Watch reactions to Long Island Divided and share your experiences
After nextLI’s 2019 survey of the next generation of Long Islanders, nextLI conducted two focus groups to look at the future of diversity and housing on Long Island. Discussions centered on the changing demographics of Long Island, perceptions of Long Island’s multicultural climate and reactions to Newsday’s Long Island Divided series. Read the full recap here.

nextLI then followed up with several participants to gain deeper insights. Six participants joined the nextLI team at Newsday’s headquarters to share their personal views and experiences about diversity on Long Island and you can watch the conversations at the links below:

Anne: “Little kids don’t see color. That would be nice if big kids didn’t see it either.”
Juan: “We are no longer the same Amityville School District.”
Maria: “You’re steering somebody in the wrong direction and causing discrimination to take place.”
Tayeb: “It’s in historically more impoverished neighborhoods that they’re pushing minorities.”
William: “I live in a very, very, very Caucasian town.”
Did Long Island Divided impact your perception of diversity and inclusion on LI? Share your thoughts and experiences below.