About us

nextLI is a forum for Long Islanders to shape the future of the region, a place to find ways to make Long Island competitive, affordable and welcoming. On an island defined by fragmented communities, this digital platform will create a town hall from Belmont Park to the Montauk lighthouse to debate critical public policy questions.

This initiative by Newsday was initially funded by a charitable project grant from the Rauch Foundation. It is the successor to the pioneering Long Island Index that provided data and analysis essential to understanding our region for 15 years.

How can you join us?

This project is designed to include as many points of view as possible. nextLI welcomes voices of all kinds with fresh perspectives on how the nation’s oldest suburb can transition into the future. To participate:

— Submit first-person essays, documentaries, policy proposals and analysis about your experiences on Long Island to nextLI@newsday.com

— Explore and interact with maps.

— Shape the direction of our research projects at in-person events and online.