Nearly half of New Yorkers are impoverished
Nearly half of New Yorkers below ALICE threshold
New York is home to a lot of struggling residents. It ranks ninth worst in the country, with 45.2 percent of residents falling below the ALICE threshold, with New Mexico being the worst at 49 percent.
Our neighbor New Jersey comes in at 39 percent, Connecticut at 40 percent.
On Long Island there’s a slightly more positive picture, where 30 percent of Nassau County and 36 percent of Suffolk county residents fall below the ALICE threshold.
We are improving
The number of households in both Nassau and Suffolk County has grown since 2014, and at the same time the percentage of residents below the ALICE threshold has dropped 1 to 3 percent.
This change occured despite the Household Survival Budget estimate rising 2 to 10 percent from 2014 to 2016.
In other words:
- Households increased ↑
- Cost of survival in Long Island increased ↑
- ALICE threshold percent dropped ↓
ALICE threshold combines both residents that are considered ALICE and below the poverty line.